I'm not here to talk about leadership. I'm not here to inspire you to burn the midnight oil in a solitary effort to achieve personal success either. No.
I'm here to share with you a new way of doing business, a new way forward. It is the only way we are going to solve any of our world's biggest problems today and into the future.
And that way is through collaboration.
Even with 8 billion people on this earth, there's no one person who has the antidote to solve all our problems. There's no one leader who will be able to make everything "right" (or great) again.
Instead, it is us. All of us. Together, we must work in tandem collectively and collaboratively to find new and innovative solutions to our current troubles.
It is no secret that we have crumbling foundations and broken systems. Warped ideologies that favour the few at the cost of the many, as well as nature and our planet.
Where do we even start?
At home, in our communities, and in our local cities. With our team, our department, and in our own workplace. We make better decisions when we are immediately connected to the outcomes because we are able to witness the transformational results of our collective action.
When we are too far removed from the costs or repercussions of our actions, the margin for error is too great. Those who have no connection to our personal lives can not effectively make the best decisions for everyone. Big business, big pharma, and big food are all too big to make ethical decisions. How do we possibly untangle the mess that is up there, over there, and far away from our daily lives?
We don’t.
We focus on personal connections. Local matters. It’s our neighbours and our teams that matter. The people in our day-to-day lives are what matters. We are a series of small but mighty, interconnected communities that rely on and depend on each other. That's where we start.
We begin by working together towards a better future. One that favours equity and diversity of people and ideas. A co-created future that we build together. Not a future imposed on us. We have the right to sovereignty of our bodies, our work, our lives and our stability and safety. And with that, we have the equally important responsibility to ensure those rights for others. There is no right without responsibility to others. Which is what we seem to have forgotten in our independent quest for material success and power. There is no true power without regard for others. There is no true authority without empowering others.
We are here to work together. Let's do this.